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The need for increased funding to bring about the end of FGM/C is urgent. The continuation of the practice of FGM/C is a human rights violation, an act of violence against women and girls, a reproductive health issue, an act against women’s equality and right to sexual enjoyment. All international and national organisations and government funders concerned with these issues should be prioritising funding for FGM/C. The COVID-19 pandemic hindered efforts to prevent female genital cutting through shutting the schools and disrupting programmes that help protect girls from FGM/C. As a result an estimated 2 million more girls over the

next decade are at risk of being cut than before the pandemic. Even before Covid-19 slowed down the progress, the Sustainable Development Goals target 5.3 to end female genital cutting by 2030 was an ambitious commitment because its rhetoric has not been matched by adequate funding.

Here donors and funders committed to funding work to end FGM/C talk about why it is so important to them and their organistion and ask potential donors to prioritise funding an end to FGM/C.